Installation Banquet of Miri Host 24/7

IPP Roland Chieng had attended the banquet

Joint Installation Banquet of Lions Club of Miri Mandarin & 3 others 23/7

2 Members had attended the banquet



BOD Meeting on 8-7-2011开会

test 3

testing 123

Our club having BOD meeting on 8-7-11 at Secretariat office.


Key officers handover dinner at Jin Wan 25/6

Handover of duty President to President Elect Joyce Wong

1st VDG Elect Chieng Eu Hea was the guest of honour

Photo at main table

30 members, friend of lions had participated the dinner

Singing by one of friend of lion Joseph Ngui & spouse

Fellowship gathering 19/6

12 Lions had gathered in Jenny Wong's resident for her new born granddaughter in law

B.O.D Meeting 17/6

Around 10 Lions have attended the meeting

About Us

Lions Club of Sibu Mandarin

Region 2, Zone 6,
District 308-A2
(LCI 5234-051071)

No. 29, 3rd Floor, Jalan Maju

P. O. Box 1045, 96008, Sibu,
Sarawak, Malaysia