Health Project

5-7-09 8:00am to 11am

12 Leos and Lions was briefed by O.C. Ln Jacky Ting before proceeding to distribute H1N1 Awareness pamphets at Farley Supermarket, Jalan Salim on a rainy Sunday morning.

Leo Orientation

11-7-2009 2pm to 5pm

About 35 Lions and Leos attended the orientation course held at the club secretariate at Jalan Maju, Sibu.

The course was conducted by the District Trainer, Ln Chieng Eu Hea.

Fellowship dinner


Fellowship dinner held at 2nd Vice President's (Lion Jenny Wong) home.

The 26th National Chinese Cultural Festival (2009)

Group Photo taken at Sibu Town Square during he 26th National Chinese Cultural Festival (2009) parade held on 4-7-2009 (Lions and sponsoring Leo Clubs)

About Us

Lions Club of Sibu Mandarin

Region 2, Zone 6,
District 308-A2
(LCI 5234-051071)

No. 29, 3rd Floor, Jalan Maju

P. O. Box 1045, 96008, Sibu,
Sarawak, Malaysia