Installation Banquet by Lions Club of Miri Host 25/7

Photo taken during the Banquet

Attend Miri Host Welcome Lunch 25/7

Photo taken during welcoming lunch hosted by Lions Club of Miri Host

Attend KK Joint Installation 24/7

Presentation of by Bannerette President Lion Roland Chieng to Council Chairman Lion Wong Chan Wei in KK

Presentation by President Lion Roland Chieng to International 1st Vice president Dr Tam Wing Kun (1st from right) in KK.

Photo taken during KK Joint Installation Banquet

Photo taken by our President Lion Roland Chieng with President Lion Pang Hock Kiong of Lions Club of KK Mandarin who is also presiding officer during KK Joint Installation Banquet

Welcome dinner for YE Student at Tanahmas Hotel 23/7

15 Leos, Lions & hosting family has attended the welcoming dinner

Welcome YE Students from Japan at Airport 23/7

Yong Poh Lai & Tan Ming Thai are the hosting family for 2 YE students from Japan

Organization committee meeting for 22/7

7 members has attended the meeting.

School (Joint Project) Environmental Modification for children with Physical Disablilty at Dehson Primary School 协助体能智障儿童修其校园计划 21/7

Lions Clubs from Sibu visited Deshon Primary School for understanding the need in Environmental Modification at the School

Sibu Lions Clubs Joint Installation 18/7

Presentation of Bannerette by President Lion Roland Chieng to PID Hjh Ellis Suriyati Hj Oman during Sibu Lions Clubs joint Banquet installation

9 members & friend of Lion attended Sibu Lions Clubs Joint Installation Banquet

District Peace Poster Launching & Essay Contest for Visually Impaired 18/7

Group photos’ of District officers and Presidents of Lions Clubs after the Launching

Participate In LC of Pahlawan twinning ceremony 18/7

Presentation of Bannerette by Roland Chieng to President Lion Taylor Chen from The Lions Club of Christ Church Chinese

DG Inauguration 17/7

10 members of Lion & Leo have participated in DG Inauguration

Leo Orientation 17/7

Presentation of Bannerette to the Speaker 2nd Vice DG Lion Chieng Yu Hie

Group photo with Speaker, Lions & Leos after Leo Orientation

YE OC Meeting 15/7

3 members had attend the YE
Organizing meeting at Tanahmas Hotel

(Jom Ganyang Aedes) & 防止骨痛热症 15/7

3 members has attended the Launching

Hardin Road Cleaning 15/7

2 members has participated the cleaning campaign

Members gathering 3/7

Around 40 members/ friend of Lions Leos, invited guests have gathered at President Roland Chieng’s resident for fellowship. Chartered President Lion Hii Yu Siong was the special guest on this occasion.

Welcome DG Augustine Ngu at Airport 3/7/2010

2 members of our club joined Region 2 Lions Club in welcoming DG back to Sibu after attending international convention in Sydney

B.O.D. meeting & B.O.D fellowship super 1/7/2010

12 members of B.O.D. has attended 1st meeting, BOD fellowship super was followed after the meeting

About Us

Lions Club of Sibu Mandarin

Region 2, Zone 6,
District 308-A2
(LCI 5234-051071)

No. 29, 3rd Floor, Jalan Maju

P. O. Box 1045, 96008, Sibu,
Sarawak, Malaysia