Installation Banquet of Miri Host 24/7

IPP Roland Chieng had attended the banquet

Joint Installation Banquet of Lions Club of Miri Mandarin & 3 others 23/7

2 Members had attended the banquet



BOD Meeting on 8-7-2011开会

test 3

testing 123

Our club having BOD meeting on 8-7-11 at Secretariat office.


Key officers handover dinner at Jin Wan 25/6

Handover of duty President to President Elect Joyce Wong

1st VDG Elect Chieng Eu Hea was the guest of honour

Photo at main table

30 members, friend of lions had participated the dinner

Singing by one of friend of lion Joseph Ngui & spouse

Fellowship gathering 19/6

12 Lions had gathered in Jenny Wong's resident for her new born granddaughter in law

B.O.D Meeting 17/6

Around 10 Lions have attended the meeting

Leo Forum Appreciation dinner at Joystar Garden Restaurant 15/6

3 Lions & Leo had attended the dinner

President received the certificate of appreciation from DG

Honour DG Night 12/6

Group photo with DG, Cabinet, Officers during Honour DG Night

Signature on the bannerettes by president Roland Chieng

10 Lions & Leo & friend of lions had attended the Honour DG Night

District 308 A2 Leo Forum at Kingwood Hotel Sibu 4/6 to 6/6

Fellowship night at Kingwood Hotel

Group photo during opening ceremony

Around 400 Leo & Lions had participated the forum

Performance by President Roland Chieng during banquet night

7th Anniversary Celebration by Lions Club Of Sibu City At Li Hua Hotel 25/5

10 Lions & friend of lions & leo had attended the banquet

Contribution of daily needed goods to Rumah Umpang 17/5

Group photo of handover of 32 sets of rice, cooking oil, sugar, noodle, gas cooker, clothing, biscuit,coffee to rumah umpang by Lions Club of Sibu Mandarin

Around 12 Lions have attended the event

Presentation of bannerette to Tuan Rumah Encik umpang by president

Group photo with the victim residents in front of venue where long house has been destroyed by fire

New B.O.D photo 14/5

Around 18 Lions have attended the photo taking

Appreciation Dinner to president & spouse 12/5

10 Lions & spouse & friends of lion have attended the dinner hosted by tour members to perth

Farewell dinner 4/5

Group photo during dinner

Contribution of flower & crown to singer by President & spouse

Contribution of flower to singer by PP Lion Chieng Sie Kong

Contribution of crown to singer by Tamer Lion Diong Lok King

Burma Visit 1/5-4/5

Group photo at temple in bago on 2/5/2011

Fellowship gathering with sister club 30/4

Around 25 Lions & Spouses from both clubs had joined the fellowship during which we also celebrated birthday for Lion Diong Lok King

Fellowship Dinner of 49th MD 308 Convention 30/4

7 Lions have participated in the fellowship dinner

President Roland Chieng received the excellent club award from district govemor

49th 308 MD Convention 29/4

Group photo with candidate of 2nd VDG during visit to his hospitality booth

5th Leo Forum OC Meeting 24/4

President has attended the meeting

Day trip to Tg. Manis/ Rejang/ Belawai With Leo from Wong Nai Siong School 23/4

Group photo at factory of Tg.Manis Resources S/B

40 of Leo & Lions & friends of lion had participated the trip

Presentation of bannerettes by President Roland Chieng to factory manager Mr.Ting

Group photo taken at factory of Roundtree Timber Sdn.Bhd.

Presentation of bannerettes by President Roland Chieng to factory in charge Mr.Kong of Roundtree Timber S/B

B.O.D Meeting

8 B.O.D had attended the meeting

Donation of 12 bicycles to 4 schools at Tg.Manis 18/4

President Roland Chieng presented the bannerettes to one of the principal Nasya @ Osman Bin Mawar

Delivery of bicycle to one of the receipient & 8 Lions had participate the project

Group photo with school principal, students, community leader, sponsor & members of Lions Club of sibu mandarin

4th Leo Forum OC Meeting 17/4

President had attended the meeting

Joint Fellowship banquet at Tanahmas Hotel 4/4

26 Lions & spouses from Lions club of sibu mandarin & sibu host attended the banquet hosted by PDG Cheng Yik Siong

Lions Yap Poh Ching was special guest during the banquet

Campaign Banquet at Joystar Garden Restaurant by Lion Kelly Lee Pui Leo 2/4

10 Lions & spouses have attended the banquet

Campaign Banquet at Tanahmas Hotel by Lion Kung Kuok Yien 26/3

10 Lions have attended the banquet

B.O.D Meeting 25/3

10 B.O.D & lions had attended the meeting

Campaign Banquet at Joystar Garden Restaurant by Lion Nenita 20/3

5 Lions have attended the banquet

About Us

Lions Club of Sibu Mandarin

Region 2, Zone 6,
District 308-A2
(LCI 5234-051071)

No. 29, 3rd Floor, Jalan Maju

P. O. Box 1045, 96008, Sibu,
Sarawak, Malaysia

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